John Maclean - The Super Thief (in brief)


John Maclean was estimated to have committed 2000 burglaries during the 1970s. He targeted wealthy victims and made off with more than $100 million. He used his loot to live a lifestyle like them and became a Robin Hood-like figure. He was caught in 1979 when a jewel-encrusted walkie-talkie connected him to a Fort Lauderdale robbery. He wrote a memoir in prison entitled "Secrets of a Super Thief" which was published in 1983.

After he was incarcerated law enforcement noticed a series of rapes and sexual battery cases with no known perpetrator had suddenly stopped, he was charged with two of these offences but then the cases were dismissed on lack of evidence. After DNA testing, however, he was arrested in 2012 for two of hundreds of rapes he is believed to have done decades before. 


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