Something Personal.

 I need to talk about what just transpired in my life today. I don't like to dwell, but I was as close to being a household name as I ever could be. I auditioned to be on a Channel 4 programme called Murder Island. I got so far that out of ten thousand people who applied, I was amongst the twelve that didn't make the final six. I don't think I have experienced such rejection in my adult life, to be honest. I always strived for good results. I felt so shot in the stomach. As in a way I have been training a lot of my life for a moment such as this.

 I take psychology, psychopathy and the art of studying body language very seriously. It struck me that perhaps in this fake atmosphere with actors that they would create I may not be able to put the skills I have picked up on over the years to use. For this reason, maybe it is a blessing I were not in the final six.

I take criminology very seriously, and I want to someday have my name juxtaposed with something rudimentary in that field. 

I will carry on. 

Yours Sincerely Lupin. 


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