"Dear Congressman, Vernon Gosney and Monica Bagby, Please Help us Get out of Jonestown."


  • Jones did not permit members to leave Jonestown without his express permission.
  • Jonestown cult members were shown communist propaganda shorts and American documentaries on social problems and not the Georgetown movies like they were permitted in the U.S.
  • Armed guards patrolled the area day & night to enforce Jonestown rules.
  • Corrupt doctors helped Jim Jones to stage "White Nights" where members would drink flavour-aid "poison" to show their loyalty. They would later be told that this was a test and that they had passed and were loyal. Most members drank the drink, believing it to be poison but after a few "White Nights" had passed it would not be under the realm of possibility for most to expect another hoax.
  • Mark Lane and Donald Freed (champions of the J.F.K. conspiracy theories) were paid $6000 by Jim Jones to spread positive rumours about Jonestown.
  • Leo Ryan was friends with the father of Bob Houston a temple member in California whose mutilated remains were found near the railroad tracks on October 5th 1976, three days after a taped telephone conversation with Houston's ex-wife in which leaving the temple was discussed. Over the following months, Ryan's interest was further aroused by the allegations put forth by Stoen, Layton and the Concerned Relatives.
  • Nine shooters with the Red Brigade at the airstrip, most of the names unknown- but names that are agreed upon are Joe Wilson, Thomas Kice Snr and Ronnie Dennis.
  • The first few minutes of the shooting were captured as an ENG video recording by NBC cameraman Bob Brown.
  • Jim Jones made his own record of the last minutes of the Jonestown Community on his "Death Tape."
  • Sharon Amos the temple member of the headquarters in Georgetown received a radio communication from Jonestown instructing the members to commit suicide. She escorted her three children into the bathroom and killed them all with a kitchen knife and then herself.
  • The base in Devon U.S. that was chosen to process all the bodies from Jonestown was overwhelmed and many individuals received P.T.S.D. because of it.
  • In late Feb 1980, Al and Jeanne Mills cofounders of Concerned Relatives, and their daughter Daphne were shot and killed execution-style in their Berkely. California home, Eddie Mills, Al, and Jeanne's son was believed to be involved to the extent that he was arrested in 2005, but charges were not filed against him. 


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