[NOT TRUE CRIME] A Mini Summary of UFOs I wrote back in 2016


 If the only strange things seen in the sky were moving lights or specks glinting in the sun there would be no UFO problem, but there have been many close-up observations of these strange objects. In addition, physical traces have been left behind, and witnesses have experienced physical and medical effects, including injury and death.

 Only a few percent of UFO sightings are hoaxes. There are tens of thousands of reports given by police officers, pilots, military personal, and ordinary people. This is further authenticated if there is more than one witness to the event and add to that physiological effects such as marks on the ground, swirled grass and indentations which can help confirm parameters, weight and output.

Correlating this data averages out that a UFO is an object in-between 15 and 100 feet in diameter, weighs between 30-60 tons; has high visible light energy when airborne from kw-mw. It emits electromagnetic energy at a very high frequency including UV and soft X-rays as shown by the many cases of skin-burn and eye irritation, and it will emit higher radiation, which has led to radiation sickness in witnesses who have closely approached the objects. No instances of radiation beyond the gamma band have been found.

 It has no aerodynamic characteristics. It has no wings or visible propulsion systems and has a soft humming sound and in darkness it emits a coloured luminosity which is both global and localised, which some witnesses have described as “flames.” The “flames” however emit no heat and are probably comparable to a neon.

 UFO’s can be circular, lenticular, elliptical, or cylindrical, some with an equatorial ring and referred to as having a “Saturn” shape. There are also reports of flat-bottomed disks varying in shape and size. They are all capable of incredible speeds. Reliable radar observations have documented speeds as high as 10,000mph within the atmosphere as long ago as the 1950’s. Meteors can achieve these speeds, although the UFO’s movement is often bizarre and erratic and can either flip over or spin whilst hovering, or sway from side to side like a falling leaf.

 UFO’s can interfere with electrical systems, especially cars. The Levelland case is a classic among these, several cars across a wide area completely stopped working during close approach to a luminous UFO. TV and radio interference has also been reported. Close encounters report of quite strong odours around UFO’s generally described as “ozone” or “formaldehyde” and are highly irritating.


 They are solid objects as witness reports state them being able to be touched by human hands or hit with rocks and even bullets, with only one report  ever mentioning a force-field.

 When they hover at extremely low altitudes they can cause swirled grass, subsoil burning of plant and root systems, and unusual effects on exposed plants (changes in chlorophyll). They have landing gear with legs and footpads, leaving marks that we can discern weight from.

 The most popular theory for UFO’s is extra-terrestrial. Writers such as Keyhoe, Lorenzen, Fuller, Fowler, Randle and Hopkins have supported this theory. These can be backed up by physical appearances and behaviour, geographical patterns, the presence of humanoids but clearly alien occupants, and various accounts of abductions. Some maintain that crashed vessels have been kept by various governments, such as Roswell.

 Paul Hill a former NASA researcher had two sightings which in turn caused him to write “Unidentified Flying Objects; The Scientific Approach” and showed that interstellar distances are not an insuperable obstacle to sufficiently motivated astronauts because of relativity, which slow down apparent time as a vehicle approaches the speed of light.

 Some researchers argue that UFOs are “paraphysical” and likely an intrusion from another dimension.

 Temporary construct of matter generated from energy controlled by a natural or intelligent source.

 Knowledge of a person/person’s life and sometimes the de-materialisation of a UFO could back this up. Valle’s supporters draw parallels with folkloric tales of pixies and fairies (and elf) apparitions and underline that the UFO phenomenon is a modern guise for something that has been present since long before the modern-day UFO era, which operates to control and influence our civilisation

 Other researchers draw parallels between the behaviour or appearance of UFO’s and their occupants in terms of the “paranormal”: John Keel is most famous for his attempts to unify apparitions as “monsters”, and those who come into contact are given the “men in black” phenomena, which suggests direct intervention and memory warping after abduction.

 They are some researchers who have looked to the past to answer questions in the present from past civilisations, a lot of their research which has been discredited by so called archaeologists.
 Some believe that the UFO phenomenon cannot be explained in the means of science and say it is to do with mysticism and channelling.


 There are special interest sects for all the following: crash retrievals, abductions, and crop circles.
 The US government has documented reports of UFOs violating military and restricted airspace, making close approaches to sensitive areas, like nuclear weapons storage facilities. There was even a close approach to a UK airbase near Rendlesham Forest which led to an extreme red alert. In Belgium their airspace was violated several times by large triangular objects with incredible speed and performance capabilities which were recorded visually, by ground and airborne radar. Interceptions were (unsuccessfully) attempted. The famous destruction of a Korean airline 747 passenger aircraft followed a UFO sighting with radar tracking, by Russian military personnel.

 Whichever of these theories you may believe, the governments always seem tetchy about reporting their findings, some claim the governments are fully aware of the nature of UFOs and are in fact in cahoots with them for technology backing and a trade-off with large tech companies.


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