Something Personal

 I have decided after much deliberation, to go back to my first novel and give it a fourth chance. I wrote it, in its entirety when I was about 18-19 years old and it really stinks of the ignorance of youth. I have made several changes to it over time, all of which hoping to make it a little bit more substantial and henceforth given up because it does not fit my current attitudes and views and I am very obsessive in nature and prone to fixating. I just feel like it seems such a shame to have the bulk of the work sat here gathering dust and it not being of any use to anyone at all. 

 Perhaps it is not too late to do something positive with it. It may be a mammoth job for me to mould it into something I remotely am fond of, but it might be better to try it then to leave it back in a crypt. 

 I will put some progress on here if anyone will be remotely interested, but if not then at least I can track my progress.

 In other news, I am still devouring my way through Randy Stair's mountain of media he left behind after his murder-suicide and so will continue on the e-book when I can, but this is proving more time-consuming than I first thought. 

 I am also in talks with a horror novelist about setting up a Youtube channel for going to haunted or disreputable locations, this has had to be put on hold recently due to Covid-gate, but we are meeting up soon hopefully to discuss potential first locations. 


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