The Mafia - Rituals and Customs


At an initiation ceremony, the inductee would have his finger pricked by a needle, and the blood dropped on a card with the likeness of a saint on it. The card is then set on fire, while the novice takes an oath of loyalty to the Mafia as it is passed around to other members present. This was confirmed by Tommaso Buscetta. 

 The murder or "hit" of a "made man" must be approved by his family, or retaliatory hits will be made, possibly starting a war. Families would "go to the mattresses" which is an Italian phrase meaning "go into battle."

 Omerta is a key oath of silence against authorities, government or outsiders. 

 The inductee should be full Italian in descent, they eventually changed it to just through the father's side.  In 2000 they changed it back to full Italian descent again. 

 It is also common and acceptable for a mafia member to have a mistress, however, you are not allowed to be a homosexual or grow a moustache, breach of the last two rules could result in death. 

 Bonnano crime family and Buffalo crime family had influence in Canada. Other mafia families I have not mentioned yet include: Rizzuto, Cotroni, Luppino and also Papalia.


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