Edward "Blackbeard" Teach - 1716-1718


 Edward "Blackbeard" Teach was a pirate during the Queen Ann War. In 1716 he travelled to Nassau in the Bahamas which was nicknamed the "Pirate Republic." There he met Captain Benjamin Hornigold who placed him in charge of a sloop.

 They plundered ships in Cuba and Bermuda eventually joining forces with a gentleman called "Stede Bonnett" and took his ship "The Revenge." 

 Hornigold decided he would accept a pardon from George 1st from his Indemnity Act. Bonnet's men then said they wanted to work for Blackbeard and deserted. He sailed off to North Carolina blockaded the port of Charleston, captured nine ships and went on to ransom a wealthy merchant and a politician. The boat then ran aground. They travelled by land to Bath in North Carolina and in June 1718 they were pardoned. Blackbeard crept back however and plundered "The Revenge" transferring her goods to his sloop. He now had a sizeable bounty on his head.

 Royal Navy ships caught up with him later that year at Ocracoke Harbour. He lured them onto a sand bar. He aimed broadside and fired when the smoke cleared, thinking he had wiped them all out, he ordered his men to board her, but a few sailors came out from below decks and a bloody battle ensued.

 Maynard and Blackbeard fired directly at each other, Maynards pistol hit Blackbeard but Blackbeards return volley missed. Blackbeard had been shot in the abdomen. Maynard was then surprised when Blackbeard seemed unphased and broke his sword in two in retaliation. One of Maynard's men then stuck a pike into Blackbeard's shoulder. For a few brief moments, the men in the Royal Navy considered he may be supernatural, and invincible as he kept fighting but eventually fell dead after taking four more gunshot wounds and eighteen more stab wounds. 


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