The Mafia - Prohibition Era (The Basics)


On the 16th January 1919, the U.S.A. made it illegal to sell, manufacture or transport alcohol which led to a black market being established. An atmosphere was created which tolerated crime, in pursuit of these substances. This was the case in all walks of society, including politicians and law enforcement. 

 In the 1920's Mussolini took control of Italy and waves of immigrants came to the U.S. To avoid slums they often joined the Mafia. The profits pertained from illegal alcohol far exceeded that which generally was made through protection rackets, extortion, gambling and prostitution. Italians eventually warred with the Jewish and Irish ethnic gangs for bootlegging in their territories. 

Frankie Yale ran the WHITE HAND GANG

Al Capone ran the NORTHSIDE GANG

 These two victorious factions were led by Joe Masseria and Salvatore Maranzano. This led to the Castellammarese War in which Joe Masseria was murdered. Maranzano then divided New York City into five families. He set himself up as "Boss of all Bosses". Maranzano was murdered within six months by Charles Lucky Luciano. Luciano was a prior Masseria underling who switched sides to Maranzano then orchestrated the killing. 

 Luciano then created "The Commission" in 1931, where the bosses of the families would have equal say, vote on important matters and solve disputes. This brought an era of peace and prosperity for the American Mafia.

 "The Young Turks" led by Luciano were more open to working with other groups like Jewish-American criminal syndicates. 

 The Mafia thrived by following a strict set of rules, like Omerta which forced members from co-operating with police. Failure to follow these rules resulted in death.


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