Psychopathy Part One


Persistent anti-social behaviour, impaired empathy and remorse, and bold disinhibited egotistical traits. A high amount of boldness. Disinhibition linked to pre-frontal lobe systems, meanness: lack of close attachments, and impulsiveness.

 Psychopathy is linked to psychoticism; tough aggressive and hostile tendencies, lack of socialization and responsibility, impulsivity and sensation-seeking and extreme aggression.

 Pathological narcissism makes up the dark triad; Narcissism, Machiavellianism and Psychopathy. A callous manipulative interpersonal style, There is also the dark tetrad of Narcissism, Machiavellianism, Psychopathy and Sadism.

 Also argued to share elements of of the ingredients of these are bipolar disorder, schizophrenia spectrum, schizophrenia, complex partial seizures, disassociative identity disorder, parasomnia and brain damage/dysfunction.

 Psychopathy is linked often too aggressive violence (cold-blooded), reduced emotion. Domestic abusers for example show high rates of psychopathy.

 Serial killers - sensation seeking, lack of remorse and guilt, impulsivity, need for control, predatory behaviour. A higher level of female victims. 

 Linked more to child sex offenders than adult sex offenders.

 Organized crime, economic crime, and war crimes (white-collar crimes). Terrorists are sometimes considered psychopathic, less so with organized versions of aforementioned crimes. White-collar criminals are sometimes called "successful psychopaths." 

 APSD screening on children: anger, hostility, anxiety and depression. Callous/unemotional narcissism and impulsivity/irresponsibility. Early negative life events from the ages of 0-4. Earlier in life, they can be diagnosed with  "conduct disorder," by neurological defects/deficits. Links also with anti-social behaviour and poorer health, economic status. In adolescents, it is more linked with short-term anti-social behaviour. There are some arguments that ADHD may be linked with life-course anti-social behaviour, as well as psychopathy. 

 Pre-frontal cortex and amygdala regions of the brain. Damage to these areas has been known to cause violent and psychopathic behaviour. Unable to acquire social and moral knowledge. NO LEGITIMATE LINKS TO INTELLIGENCE.


 Moral judgement a strong disregard for moral beliefs. Less anxiety- more willing to do harm. Psychopaths are more likely to redeem accidents. 

 Genetic environment. Convicted parents, PHYSICAL NEGLECT, LOW INVOLVEMENT WITH FATHER, low family income, DISRUPTED FAMILY, poor supervision, HARSH DISCIPLINE, large family size, delinquent sibling, YOUNG MOTHER, DEPRESSED MOTHER, low social class, poor housing and DETRIMENTAL TREATMENT BY PEERS.

 Brain injury of the prefrontal cortex or bio-frontal cortex>  acquired sociopathy or pseudo-psychopathy. Also, damage to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Damage to these areas in childhood means never being able to develop a moral or a social code and they will become psychopathic individuals drawn to aggression and anti-social behaviour, without guilt or empathy. Damage to the amygdala also causes impairment of the ability of the prefrontal cortex to interpret the feedback of the limbic system, manifesting in violent and aggressive behaviour. 

In evolution, there are increased risks of disability and death for a psychopath due to violence, accidents, homicides and suicides. Arguments can be life-sustaining genetically if there is a population of altruistic individuals they can leech off of. EARLY SEXUAL DRIVES CAN MEAN HIGHER LEVELS OF REPRODUCTION. High fertility rates WITH CHILDREN DEVELOPING PSYCHOPATHY THEMSELVES (pre-disposition too). Psychopathy may be a product of a HIGH MUTATION LOAD IN THE GENES/DNA. High levels of testosterone with low levels of cortisol and serotonin have been highlighted, due to this change between fearing punishment to waiting for reward and to take more risks to get those rewards. INCREASE RESPONSES TO ANGRY FACES. Increases dominance seeking, High testosterone and low serotonin mixed together cause impulsive and highly negative reactions. Those who have the criteria for this potential psychopathy show greater dopamine response to rewards such as money/drugs and amphetamines and increased impulsivity. Early-stage experiments and study show that the enzyme that influences serotonin and dopamine (MONOAMINE) - OXODISE A, may be a factor in psychopaths.

 Very difficult if not impossible to treat. Psychopaths do not react to punishment/threat and reward and there is a lack of research into this mental illness than others. Interrogation tactics can be manipulated to connect with perpetrators. 


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