Psychopath Personality Inventory (PPI)


The Psychopath Personality Inventory is a personality test for traits associated with psychopathy in adults. This is a self-report scale. The traits are as follows:

  • Machiavellian Egocentricity (ME)
  • Social Potency (SOP)
  • Cold Heartedness (C)
  • Carefree Non-playfulness (CN)
  • Fearlessness (F)
  • Blame Externalisation (BE)
  • Impulsive Non-Conformity (IN)
  • Stress Immunity (STI)
PPI 1 is made up of FD, SOP, STI, F
PPI 1 manifests itself as follows, less anxiety, less depression, less empathy, higher well being, assertiveness, narcissism and thrill-seeking.

PPI 2 is made up of SCI, CN, IN, ME, BE.
PPI 2 manifests itself as follows, impulsivity, aggressiveness, substance-use, antisocial behaviours, negative affect, suicide ideation.

High scores for PPI1 are associated with emotional stability and social efficacy as well as a reduction in empathy.
High scores for PPI2 are associated with maladaptive tendencies, aggressiveness, substance abuse, negative feelings and suicidal ideation.

Psychopaths scientifically cannot yawn whilst others yawn as they are less likely to catch that expression/effect. Low conscientious, low socialisation and low empathy as well as high impulsivity and sometimes high aggression.
Factor one also has some links with the PCL (Psychopathy Checklist) both PPI 2 and Factor 2 of PCL examine impulsive and antisocial tendencies. The correlations between PPI 1 and Factor 1 are not nearly as strong> due to variance. 

The PPI, in general, is also not as good at diagnosing female psychopathy traits and argue this personality trait would be normal in a healthy well-adjusted individual so argue it is useless.
Some critics also argue that it can be manipulated by the takers and also respondents. Malingering has also happened someone wants to appear mentally ill.


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