Notes From an Article on Mass Suicide

Igbo Landing Mass Suicide (1803)

  •  Suicide is often regarded as "Leaving one's body- taking one's life for self-realization or enlightenment.
  • Jonestown Massacre was more of a mass homicide than a suicide, this is because the people were either compliant with ingesting poison or they were faced with Jones's armed guards.
  • Cult leaders exploit the vulnerabilities of people to meet their own ends.
  • FABLED UTOPIAN LAND is a very commonly used encouragement.
  • Hetero Induced Mass Suicide: Choice to submit rather than overcome oppressors. Can be regarded as heroic and chivalric in different cultures.
  • Self Induced Mass Suicide: Distorted evaluation of reality without there being a real danger or risk of death.
  • Suicide Cluster: Scattered suicides over a period of time.
  • Psychological Autopsy: Mental state evaluation through access to medical records and interviewing friends and family, or those close to them.
  • Psychosocial Autopsy: Understanding of, emotional, social and economic (can be cultural) reasons.
**NOTE: The links between mass suicides on social media have yet to be explored scientifically.**


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