Machiavellianism- "I'm pretending to like you."


Interpersonal manipulation, unemotional coldness and indifference to morality. It is assessed by a standard assessment tool called the "Mach IV" personality survey. There are high machs and low machs, males generally score higher than females. There has also been mach tests done on children.

The motivation of a Machiavenllianist is cold selfishness and purely self- instrumental motives. Sex, achievement, sociality are to be viewed in duplicitous ways. High priority to power, money, competition and the community building, self-love, family commitment. Unmitigated achievement, and the goal of winning at any cost. They will bend and break rules cheat, steal and have a lack of remorse and numbed emotions at hurting other people if this would be beneficial to them.

Machiavellianism is not directly correlated to IQ, but do have low emotional intelligence so manipulation is based more on need than on any great cognitive ability. It is a part of the dark triad: Machiavellianism, Psychopathy and Narcissism 

Some psychologists feel that Machiavellianism is a sub-clinical form of psychopathy as they both share manipulative tendencies and cold callousness. While they overlap they are, however, distinct personality traits/constructs. Psychopathy differs in the areas of impulsivity, lack of control and long term planning. 

They generally are not agreeable, and not conscientious, but can be honest and humble and they are also natural leaders. 


  1. I know this guy,he's a nasty piece of work. I think that this might describe him.


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